Bikes Rental Conditions


When you rent one of our bicycles, you accept the following conditions


– The customer is responsible for the care and return of the bicycle and all accessories provided.


– Bicycles and accessories must be returned in the same condition in which they were received.


– The user will be responsible for any damage caused.


– In case of theft, robbery, loss, destruction or damage to the bicycle and its accessories, the customer is obliged to inform our company.


– In case of theft, robbery, loss, deterioration of the material or non-return of the bicycle, the client shall be obliged to pay the company the amount of the stolen or damaged material, according to the following conditions;


* Elements (as a guideline): brake levers 150 €, saddle 55 €, rear wheel 125 €, front wheel 100 €, brakes 30 €, pedals 20 € each, helmet 30 €. The rest of the components according to market price.


* Stolen, lost or non-return of the bicycle: The replacement value of the bicycle will be charged according to the market price (approx. between 200-500 €).


– The customer will be asked for his bank card details at the time of delivery of the bicycle and authorizes the charge of the amount in case of damage to the bicycles, and the amount corresponding to the damage or loss suffered according to the specified values.



– The schedules to be applied will be for a period of one day regardless of the number of hours, ending the service at 00.00 am on the day the rental is made. The rental can be for several days. The delay in returning the bicycle/s will result in an extra payment for the amount corresponding to the rental price of the time of delay that will be charged to the card.


– The customer agrees to respect the laws and traffic regulations in force and is responsible for any damage caused to himself, to third parties or to any property, movable or immovable, by the use or normal or abnormal use of bicycles caused as a result of any accident during the use of the bicycle.  Likewise, the company is not responsible for any fine or sanction derived from any infraction of said laws.


– These conditions comply with and respect all the rights of consumers and users in accordance with the applicable Spanish legislation.

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