sostenibilidadSustainable Company

El Cardón, through its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, tries to be a sustainable company that actively and voluntarily contributes to the social, economic and environmental improvement of its closest environment, of the island of Tenerife and the planet in general. 

The principles of the social responsibility of El Cardón NaturExperience are:

    • Have as main general social subject the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage of Tenerife. 
    • Respect for the environment avoiding as much as possible any kind of pollution, minimizing the generation of waste and rationalizing the use of natural and energy resources. 
    • Respect for labor rights, with decent working conditions (responsible hiring, occupational safety and health, fear wages, flexible hours and a adequate human treatment) that favor the human and professional development of workers.
    • Creation of a store where the handicraftsman and local producers commercialize their products fairly, contributing like this to the maintenance of the traditional crafts of the region where our company is located.
    • Involve our employees in a good corporate social responsibility practices. 
    • Make the majority of our advertising materials with Centro Ocupacional Isla Baja, a local entity with an important purpose, the integration of people with disabilities. 
    • Perform sustainable advertising, using recycled or chlorine-free paper of all advertising materials.
    • Encourage the local development by contrating with companies in the region, the main services provides to our company: Transport, Insurances, Labor, tax and accounting advice, advertising, general maintenance, provision of merchandise.
    • Hire as far as possible the staff of the region generating local economy.
    • Comply strictly with currrent legistation on tourism and environmental matters.
    • Maintenance of the business ethics and fight against corruption. 
    • Monitoring of the management of resources and waste. 
    • Review of the energy efficiency of the company. 
    • Correct use of water.
    • Design and implementation of partnership and collaboration strategies of the company.
    • Involve consumers, local communities and the rest of the society.
    • Collaboration with social and environmental NGOs.
    • Work to become a benchmark as a sustainable company.

Sustainable Tourism and Local Development

Sustainable Tourism: Our activities take place in the main natural, rural and cultural spaces of Tenerife. We work for the conservation of the heritage of our island offering ecotourism services designed to value of its natural and cultural resources. 

Local Development: Our activities generates synergies with companies and professionals of the different spaces where they are developed contributing to the local development.

Quality principles

El Cardón is a company whose reference is to offer quality services, responsible with the environment and with our society, for this:

•We have a proven experience (since 1997), with a great knowledge and responsibility of our destiny: Tenerife.

•We guarantee the environmental sustainability of all our activities.

•With our activities we generate local development, supporting businesses in the region where they are developed. 

•Our main social purpose is conservation, through the dissemination of natural and cultural values. 

•We guarantee quality and safety throughtout our offer. 

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